Past Meetings with Photos
Wednesday October 2
Well, this evening didn't quite go according to plan. The talk was meant to be a presentation by 'Ladies in Pigs' about the health benefits of pork and other high welfare British food. Unfortunately the ladies' car broke down, so member's husband, John Smith, stepped into the breach to help Bishop Monkton WI out of its crisis at their October meeting, with just two hours notice.
John entertained members with stories about his adventures in marathon running in various different parts of the world from the hottest climes to sub-zero temperatures in Antarctica and various climates in between. His talk was much enjoyed by everyone who attended.
Many, many thanks to John. Very well done.
One Hundred Years Old and Still a Delight to the Palate.
Wednesday September 4th
At one of the best attended W.I. meetings ever, over 40 members and guests enjoyed a baking demonstration by "Baker Mike", who entertainingly shared his knowledge, insider tips and expertise, gleaned and honed from many years of demonstration baking.
Mike regaled members with a full history of baking through the ages and while he talked, he mixed, by hand, beating eggs and creaming butter and flour, using many BeRo recipes in recognition of the product's centenary year in 2024. Six different bakes were prepared and then baked in the oven in the village hall's kitchen.
Members were then invited, an invitation accepted with alacrity, to try the results. Jam cake, melting moments coffee kisses, Victoria scones and a sly cake were all declared "Delicious".
A competition for the oldest and most used recipe books was held with winners taking home prizes of a cookery book, apron and a selection of dried fruits.
In Competitive Mode.
Wednesday August 7th
Back by popular demand after its successful initial try-out last year, the August meeting took the form of a games evening, which, as always, proved very popular. On this occasion, the event was helped along by a glass of Pimms.
Ladies were divided into two teams, titled, what else but, W and I that went head to head playing games such as quoits (played on the side of a cow -don't worry it wasn't real) curling and skittles. Half the members came along to enjoy what Karen, Georgina, Anne and Helen had in store for them this time. New games were provided by secretary, Karen, while Pimms were poured by Margaret and further refreshments provided by treasurer, Anne.
The end result was really close, but the 'I' team had it in the bag at the end . No doubt a highlight was watching Georgina trying to organise everyone with a whistle.