The number of comments received by North Yorkshire Council in respect of the Avant Homes Development continues to grow. As of 4 p.m. today (Monday), 95 public comments had been recorded by the Council in respect of the proposal to build new homes in the village off Moor Road. And still none of these were shown as being in support of the application.
To view documents related to the application or to read all comments made, including the ones most recently added, as well as viewing all photographs submitted, click. N.B. There may well still be responses received by the Council, but not yet added-for past applications it has been the case that, on occasion, late submissions have been allowed.
The Parish Council registered their objection on November 20th. click
The village's own action group, BMAG, also registered their objection. click
Village residents at a packed meeting at the Village Hall at the end of last month, heard representatives from Avant Homes present the company's plans for the proposed development of 60 houses on land off Moor Road/Knaresborough Road. It could conceivably be classified as one of the most important meetings to have been held in the village for a number of years and residents attending certainly did not waste any opportunity to put forward their strong views and genuine concerns about what many regard as a very controversial development.
For a full report of that meeting click
A public commitment was made at the meeting by the representatives from Avant that the company would further investigate the issues raised and respond as soon as was possible to ideas from villagers about drainage and road safety issues.
Prior to the published deadline (although this could be extended) BMAG had distributed a leaflet to all houses in the village that set out its concerns and possible actions. To read its recent press release, plus a copy of that leaflet, click.
Since the meeting, Yorkshire Water has raised an objection to the development on the grounds of concerns over new tree planting, which will be sited within five metres of the public sewerage system located within the site. Its objection, published on November 4th, can be viewed via the planning application link above.
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