Bishop Monkton's Singing for Fun Group was set up in 2019 to provide a fun-filled opportunity for people of all singing abilities to get together to enjoy themselves. Not long after the Group started, the Covid pandemic struck. Undaunted, the Group carried on by holding weekly sessions on Zoom which provided a valuable opportunity for people, particularly those living on their own, to 'meet' while confined to their homes. Once Covid restrictions were lifted the Group returned to face to face meetings.
The Group normally meets twice a month, one afternoon and one evening and meetings last around one and a half hours. Sessions are normally led by Angie Archbold with Catherine Jennings on the piano. The repertoire of songs includes a wide variety of music ranging from songs from the shows, pop music from the fifties through to the current day and just about anything that members want to have a go at trying to sing. Twice a year, normally in July and at Christmas, the Group puts on a concert.