Programme of Events
All meetings are held at St. Leonard's Hall, Burton Leonard, unless otherwise stated
Thursday March 6 2025: Michael Cooper: " Flanders and Swann". 2 p.m. Tea Hostesses: Maureen and Denise.
Saturday March 8: Coffee Morning 10.00 a.m. - Noon
Speaker Programme September to December 2024.
All meetings commence at 2 p.m. and are held in St. Leonard's Hall, Burton Leonard.
Thursday September 5: David Calverley: Yorkshire Humour & Monologues.
Thursday October 3: Malcolm Johnson: Children's Favourites 1950's.
Thursday November 7: Jackie Irving: Something Christmassy. Tea Hostesses: Shirley Bishop & Joyce Bell.
It would be helpful if any bottle/tin donations for our stall in the Village Hall on Sat Dec 7 could be brought to the meeting on Nov 7.
Thursday December 5: Christmas Afternoon Tea and Mulled Wine provided by the Committee.
Thursday February 6: Annual General Meeting.
Saturday December 7: Christmas Fair. 2.00 pm. Burton Leonard Village Hall.
Stalls include raffle, tombola, cake, YCA's tin and bottle stall and many more. A visit by Father Christmas is expected.
Other Activities.
Coffee Morning: usually held in September
Open Meeting: an annual meeting in May, usually held in the evening, and open to everyone. Members are asked to provide a plate of food to share with guests.
Outings: there are two outings each year to destinations suggested by members.