Parish Magazine
Bringing You News of the Village and Our Churches.
Each month, many villagers look forward to a little magazine popping through their letterboxes. It is the Bishop Monkton Parish Magazine. The magazine contains not only news from the Anglican and Methodist Churches but also reports of many of the main events which have been taking place in the village such as at the School, the Parish Council, WI, Ladies’ Group, Bridge Group and various sports clubs etc..
The news content is augmented by reports which first appeared on this village website - which is particularly useful to those villagers who do not have access to the internet. We also publish useful information such as refuse collection schedules, a bus timetable for the Ripon-Knaresborough service 182, which passes through the village, and dates when the fish and chip van visits.
We include notices of upcoming events and meetings in the village and local area and there is a page to advertise things for sale (or free to a good home) and items wanted. This is a free service to local residents.
We rely on people sending us items of village interest or notices of events planned for the coming month or two. Please send any items for the magazine by email to [email protected]
The magazine is edited by John Eden and professionally printed by Ripon Print Group. Our distribution manager Jane Taplin issues the printed copies to a team of volunteers who deliver the magazine around the village each month.
Sheila Kindon is in charge of the advertising and can be contacted by email, [email protected] should you wish to place an advertisement.
Purchasing a Copy of Our Parish Magazine.
You can buy one for £1 at the back of St John’s Church, just inside the door on the left - the church is normally open from 10.00 a.m. until 3.00 p.m. each day.
Copies are also on sale in the village pub, The Mason’s Arms.
If you would like a copy delivered to your home each month, please contact Jane Taplin on 01765 677340 who will be happy to arrange this.