The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust says Avant's plans for sixty new homes in Bishop Monkton should not be approved unless a thirty-year plan for biodiversity is put in place first. In its formal submission to NYC planners, the Trust is calling on the developer to take a fresh look at their plans for achieving the ' biodiversity net gain' required as part of the planing process. 'Biodiversity net gain' means that developers must come up with plans for offsetting environmental loss caused by their developments.
The Trust states in its submission:- "We would like to see the strategy to be further developed at this stage of the planning process, and advise that the application should not be determined until a clear deliverable plan is in place, including management of the BNG land for 30 years."
YWT also raises a number of other issues in its comments including:-
- Advocating the use of sustainable drainage systems like green roofs, ponds and living walls.
- Suggesting that a lighting scheme, designed to protect bats, should be a condition of any planning approval.
The Trust manages the Bishop Monkton Railway Cutting Nature Reserve off Moor Road on the former Harrogate-Ripon railway line. It acknowledges that the risks to the Reserve posed by the Avant plan are minimal -
"We accept that, due to the distance, the increase in visitor numbers as a result of the development is unlikely to be dramatic. However, we would like to register that this is a very small and sensitive reserve as there is only a narrow trodden ‘path’ there and back down the centre of the reserve which if this were widened would damage the very small area of valuable grassland either side."
You can see the full YWT submission and all the other comments on the application on the NYC planning portal here
The official date for submitting comments was November 22nd but a number of key comments from statutory bodies including NYC Highways and the Lead Local Flood Authority have not yet been received. Earlier this week, Avant Homes told 'Bishop Monkton Today' that they were not able to engage in discussions with the village about possible changes to their scheme until all these comments had been received by the Council.
To see our story on the latest Avant position click
Contact Information
Colin Philpott
Bishop Monkton, Bishop Monkton, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 3QN