Message from the Editor, Colin Philpott-
On behalf of the new website team, I would like to welcome you to the revamped 'Bishop Monkton Today" Thank you for visiting and we hope you will do so on a regular basis.
To make sure you don’t miss anything, please bookmark our address www.bishopmonktontoday.org.uk and please also sign up to our email alerts so you get a notification every time something new is added to the site.
This new website builds on the fantastic work done over many years by Richard and Pat Field, Martin Minett and others. Since it started back in 2007, ‘Bishop Monkton Today’ has been greatly valued by villagers and visitors, providing news and information about our beautiful village.
Sadly, Richard had to bow out as Editor earlier this year for health reasons and we all wish him well for the future. However, the new team, which has come together to run the site, wants to maintain and build on Richard’s legacy.
We are interested in anything and everything that is going on in the village including celebrating the achievements of people and organisations, promoting and reporting events that happen here but also tackling some of the challenging stuff about the village. We are committed to being accurate, impartial and independent of all interest groups and organisations in the village.
We need your help to do the job well. If we don’t know about something, we can’t report it or advertise it. So please get in touch with anything you think we should be mentioning via [email protected]
Three things which are new about the site are: – a more up to date look and feel; a simpler navigation with far fewer categories than before; and we are also enabling local organisations, if they wish, to input their material onto their pages of the site directly. A number are already making use of this facility.
I am very grateful to Gerald Shervington and the Village Hall Committee for supporting the costs of website hosting and to the excellent team of volunteers who have come forward to help run the website. To find out who we are, click here
If you want to get an idea of the principles under which we will be operating, take a look at our editorial guidelines here
I hope you enjoy and value the new ‘Bishop Monkton Today’ and do please let us know your feedback on the site and any suggestions for how we can improve it.
Colin Philpott
Contact Information
Editorial Team
Bishop Monkton, Bishop Monkton, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 3QN