Villagers who need sandbags to protect their homes from flooding are now able to get them from North Yorkshire Council. Last night's Parish Council meeting was told that anyone needing them should google 'Sandbags North Yorkshire' or call 0300 131 2131 to get theirs.
Other matters discussed at the meeting last night included -
- an additional meeting is to be held next Wednesday (23rd October, 7pm to sign off the Council's policies and accounts. This follows concerns expressed earlier in the year by an external auditor.
- the PC is ask North Yorkshire Council to look at replacing some street signs in the village which are in a poor state.
- the Council is to investigate installing a small sensor light to make the village defibrilator keypad easier to see in the dark.
- An information board about the village's history , prepared by the Local History Group, is to be installed at the Playing Fields. The frame is still to be obtained.
- PC agreed in principle to the idea of a 'blue plaque' highlighting the history of any specific buildings, subject to further discussion with the Local History Group.
- There was a lengthy discussion about how to resolve the long-running issue of the agreement (Deed of Easement) with Yorkshire Water (and Kebbell) about the rights regarding the underground drainage pipe across the playing field but no definite agreement was reached on the next steps, though a visit to the solicitors would be required.
To see more about last night's meeting visit the Parish Council website
Contact Information
Colin Philpott
Bishop Monkton, Bishop Monkton, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 3QN