The prospect of a television crew filming on home turf is always exciting, but there can often be a modicum of apprehension about the disruption that may occur.
As is now widely known, for nine weeks, from Monday, March 17th until Friday May 16th, the QE2 Village Hall and Playing Fields will be taken over for the filming of a new CBeebies television programme “The Football Fantastics”. The amount being paid to the Village Hall for this contract is in excess of £20,000, a most welcome sum of money. To find out more about what is being filmed click
The Village Hall committee acknowledged from commencement of the negotiations that the filming would inevitably cause some disturbance to the numerous clubs and organisations that benefit from the use of the Hall and its facilities. It has worked extremely hard and successfully to minimise the effects this nine weeks of filming will create. Where alternative bookings have been necessary, all arrangements are now in place, with the Village Hall fully covering the cost of the substitute accommodation. Chairman of the Village Hall Committee, Gerald Shervington, and Chairman-Elect, Phil Goodier, expressed grateful thanks to the clubs and societies for supporting and accommodating the changes that have had to be made.
Weekdays only. Core hours for the filming are 6 a.m. to 6.45 p.m.
Weekend bookings are unaffected by the filming schedule. The Rotary Bike Ride on May 9th and the Bowls Club Race Night on March 29th will go ahead as advertised.
Evening bookings will not change. The W.I., Ripon Community Orchestra and the Morris Dancers, all regular users of the Hall, will be able to access the hall after the BBC have finished for the day. It may be that the W.I. choose to use the Methodist Schoolroom, but any changes will be communicated directly to members and via this website
Normal outside use of the playing fields and its pitches and courts during the week, i.e. tennis, bowls and croquet.
Toilets will still be accessible if required. The procedure, primarily to allow for the safeguarding of the young actors, is, for anyone wishing to use the toilet, to ask permission of the security guard controlling entry/exit into the hall. Providing filming is not “live” you will be escorted to the toilet door.
Weekday Timetable alterations are as follows:-
Pilates and Keep Fit will move to the Methodist Chapel.
Bridge will move to the Chapel Schoolroom.
Table Tennis will temporarily relocate to Markington Village Hall.
Pickleball will use the outside courts.
Any necessary changes will be clearly indicated (where relevant) on each organisation's/club's individual page within the village website. Click
Disruption there may be, but it really will be only of a very temporary and minimal nature. The benefits accrued from the fee paid will, however, be far more significant and long lasting.
Contact Information
Colin Philpott
Bishop Monkton, Bishop Monkton, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 3QN