People concerned about the proposed Mains Lane Solar Farm development are being reminded that this Thursday is the deadline for sending comments to the Council.
It's a huge site - 165 acres (equivalent to 100 football pitches or say 20 times the area of our Village Hall & Playing Fields). It starts just 800 yards from Knaresborough Road - up Mains Lane Bridleway which is then encircled by the proposed site, going on towards the A61 (Monkton Mains Farm).
Some recent confusion that planning permission has already been granted is incorrect. An earlier application for a smaller solar farm, on the south side abutting Station Road (from Burton Leonard to Wormald Green) has been granted planning involving a different developer, Infrabee. Burton Top is located here because of links to the National Grid Substation which is on Station Road - the same reason as for Mains Lane Farm. A new large Battery Storage unit, nearing completion, is similarly located, though just linked to the sub-station.
Among concerns previously expressed about the possible impact on the village and surrounds of the Mains :Lane proposal are -
Surface water runoff and resulting increased flooding in the village. The site, with its 3 current drainage routes (the basis of the Beck), is in the core of the catchment area. The solar units are 7m long and at an angle of 15°, so water, at times, will run off rather than drip off, into gravel mini-trenches The total length of these 'trenches' will be approaching 50 miles and contain around 200,000 individual 2mx1m industrial solar panels.
Loss of land for growing crops for our ever increasing population (500,000+ a year average). Over half of the land is Excellent to Good quality with only 2% classed as Poor.
Loss of a natural environment to villagers and others. It links to circular walking routes (to Burton Leonard) and from the Wormald Green end. Ruralness and nature in all its glory, with much wildlife on the ground (eg Deer) and overhead (eg low soaring kites). The close Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Reserve (Railway Cutting, no access from the site) will be less attractive to all forms of wildlife, with over 100 acres of 'dead land' close to its border. There are superb views looking back over the village to the distant hills while traffic on the A61 in the opposite direction can be clearly seen (which works both ways!). Many walkers and groups use Mains Lane with a good proportion covering its entire length or well into where the site will be located.
The unsightliness of security fencing - 3 miles of 2+m high around each of 3 major sectioned area forming the total site. Security lighting will be associated with the fencing.
The exact location on the A61 of the new access track - for development and maintenance. It is very close to the junction at the top of Wormald Green hill, with roads off to Burton Leonard, Monkton Mains Farms and Mains Lane with a 90° bend and a bus stop directly opposite and at the end of a fast straight stretch from Ripon.
Reflections from the Solar panels will be from most close main and local roads and footpaths. Some measures are detailed to reduce the extent but it will be far from eliminated. Burton Top will not help.
We will be offering the developer the opportunity to respond to concerns about the proposal.
Please click to see more details of the plan.
To comment on the application click here and then input ref 'ZC23/04361/EIAMAJ' or email [email protected] quoting that ref.
Contact Information
Martin Minett
Bishop Monkton, Bishop Monkton, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 3QN