The village action group, BMAG, is urging as many people as possible to attend next Wednesday's crucial public meeting when Avant Homes will present their revised plans for a new sixty home development in Bishop Monkton. BMAG says the meeting is an opportunity for residents 'to emphasise directly to the developers that their scheme needs to be sustainable, appropriate and in keeping with the village character.' The Group is also encouraging people to post comments on the plan via the Council's planning portal before the November 15th deadline and it says that it is vital that' planning fatigue doesn't set in."
To see the full BMAG statement on the latest plan click here
The key points in the BMAG statement are -
- There is considerable concern in the village that the new development, with foul water from sixty homes, will add to the problems of the existing drains which duct together surface water and foul water.
- It is very worrying that Yorkshire Water say that our sewers are 'close to capacity' but cannot define 'capacity' and excerpts from YW in the plan make no mention of capacity concerns.
- Survey results included in the plan show the dire condition of sewers and manholes along Hungate.
- An acknowledgement that the new plan increases the amount of green space in the development thus addressing some of the environmental concerns previously expressed.
But do please read the full BMAG statement for yourself here
To access the full plan submitted to NYC click here
We will be publishing a statement from Avant Homes tomorrow.
A reminder that any comments on the plan must be made to the Council by 15th November
Contact Information
Colin Philpott
Bishop Monkton, Bishop Monkton, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 3QN