The production company making the next series of the BBC children's drama 'Jamie Johnson FC' has confirmed its booking of the Village Hall for next Spring. Four members of the production team, including the Executive Producer, visited Bishop Monkton again on Thursday to discuss details with VH Chair, Gerald Shervington.
As 'Bishop Monkton Today' reported earlier in the week, a cast and crew totalling around sixty people will use the VH to film the next series of the show which will air on CBBC in the Summer of next year.
The exact dates of the booking are still being finalised but it's likely to run from around 17th March to 16th May. It is thought to be the most lucrative booking in the history of the Village Hall since its opening in 2005.
Meanwhile, discussions have been taking place with regular users of the VH who will be affected by the closure. It is understood alternative venues have been found for all of them. Some will transfer to the Methodist Chapel or the Anglican Church. The Table Tennis Club, which is the biggest regular user of the Hall, is likely to relocate to Markington Village Hall. VH Chair, Gerald Shervington, has once again thanked users of the Hall for their understanding attitude to the plan.
During the affected period, the BBC production will use the Hall during the daytime Monday to Friday. Normal evening and weekend bookings will mainly be unaffected.
For our original report into this click here
Contact Information
Colin Philpott
Bishop Monkton, Bishop Monkton, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 3QN