BMAG - Bishop Monkton Action Group
This action group was established in 2020 to campaign against inappropriate housing developments in the village. The Group has conducted extensive and detailed investigations into a number of planning issues which are of great value to the village. The information below represents BMAG's view on certain issues and does not represent the view of 'Bishop Monkton Today' which is an independent and impartial news provider with no editorial opinion of its own.
The Harrogate District Local Plan (from 2018) was never properly scrutinised or its implications understood by a majority in the village. The Parish Council at the time apparently failed to comprehend or to publicise the implications. When planning applications appeared, in early 2021, from Alfa/Avant Homes for the site by the X-roads, (BM2/BM4 in the Local Plan) for over 110 homes and from Kebbell for the Church farm by the Church (BM3) for over 30 homes, there was considerable concern from many villagers. The style and density of the proposed estates, the huge problems of drainage in the village (foul and surface water), the state of infrastructure generally and the impact on the Church and Conservation featured highly. BMAG recognises the need for extra housing in the village, particularly to enable younger families to move into the village to help support the school and various clubs and organisations that are somewhat struggling, partially because of the ever aging village population. However, many felt that the character of the village should not be changed, the flooding should not be made worse, the sewage problems should not be worsened and the local roads/lanes should not be made more dangerous.
For the two mentioned applications BMAG, has worked very hard to understand in detail what was planned (and from the many subsequent variations) and the likely outcomes from these proposals. The Kebbell plan was finally rejected by the Local Planning Committee, on grounds of foul drainage inadequacy in the village and the damaging effect on the Church & Conservation Area, However, Kebbell Appealed and in May of 2024, the Inspector accepted their appeal. The Avant application was withdrawn in June 2023 but they have now (July 2024) indicated that they will be putting in a new application for 60 houses. Since they will use the same village foul water drainage system as the Kebbell development, it's probably not surprising that they waited to see if the Inspector over-rode the Local Planners, which would then open up the system for their development.
A further development in the village was proposed in which BMAG involved themselves - 30 plus more static caravans on the Church farm Caravan site. It was later established that this site would have to use the current village foul water drainage system and the application was withdrawn in August 2023
Founding Members of BMAG - Raj Salvaragan, Harvey Biggs, Martin Minett, Ken Barker, Bob Upton, Jonathan Beer
Current Members of BMAG - Raj Salvaragan, Ken Barker, Jonathan Beer, Paul Wade, Helen Bagnall
To contact BMAG, email Raj Salvaragan [email protected]